Baltimore-Washington Area Worldcon Association

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Baltimore-Washington Area Worldcon Association, known by the initialism BWAWA (pronounced "bu-wa-wa-wa" —with some indefinite number of "wa"s — think of a mad scientist's maniacal laugh), is the current name of Baltimore Worldcon 1998, Inc. The 501(c)(3) non-profit organization sponsored the Baltimore in '98 Worldcon bid; BucConeer, the 1998 Worldcon; the 2010 and 2011 Nebula Award Weekends; the 2014 World Fantasy Convention; the DC in 2021 Worldcon bid; and Discon III, the 2021 Worldcon.

It also sponsored the unsuccessful DC17 Worldcon bid launched in 2013 and a failed bid for the 2019 SMOFCon.

In 2009, it renamed itself the Baltimore-Washington Area Worldcon Association. Its members are drawn largely from the Baltiwash clubs BSFS and WSFA.

Officers in 2021:[edit]

Club 1996
This is a club page. Please extend it by adding information about when and where the club met, when and by whom it was founded, how long it was active, notable accomplishments, well-known members, clubzines, any conventions it ran, external links to the club's website, other club pages, etc.

When there's a floreat (Fl.), this indicates the time or times for which we have found evidence that the club existed. This is probably not going to represent the club's full lifetime, so please update it if you can!