Science Fiction Bulletin

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Science Fiction Bulletin (Jenkin) /
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A mimeographed fanzine published by Noel Jenkin in New Zealand in 1935, possibly the first to appear outside the United States, according to Walt Willis in a column in Nebula magazine.

Classified ad from the New Zealand Herald, February 23. 1935, p. 2.

The zine was the OO of the New Zealand Science Fiction Association, which Jenkin launched with Norman S. Patton, also of New Plymouth, going so far as to write to Amazing Stories and Wonder Stories to promote the club and to advertise the Bulletin in the New Zealand Herald newspaper. However, both club and fanzine fizzled soon afterward.

Ted Carnell reported in Novae Terrae 13 (June 1937, p. 11) that there were two issues and that he owned the only copy to have left New Zealand.

Issue Date Pages -Notes
1 February 1935
2 March 1935

Publication 1935
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