Raymond A. Palmer

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(August 1, 1910 -- August 15, 1977)

He discovered science fiction in Gernsback's Amazing read it voraciously. He became a fan and is credited, along with Walter Dennis, with editing the first fanzine, The Comet, in May, 1930.

Ziff Davis acquired Amazing Stories in 1938, sacked then T. O'Connor Sloane and, on the recommendation of writer Ralph Milne Farley, offered the editorship to Palmer. He was the editor of Amazing Stories from 1938 through 1949. During this time, he was responsible for turning the venerable magazine into an embarrassment to fandom. See Palmerism. The Shaver Mystery was probably the most egregious example.

When he left Ziff Davis he set up his own company to publish and edit Fate Magazine, and other, similar, occult drivel, as well as several books related to flying saucers, including "The Coming of the Saucers," co-written by Palmer with Kenneth Arnold. He did publish the more-or-less straight SF magazines Imagination and Other Worlds.

A biography of Palmer by Fred Nadis, The Man from Mars--Ray Palmer's Amazing Pulp Journey, was published in 2013.

See also Earl Kemp's Racing to Lemuria.

Awards, Honors and GoHships:

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