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(Did you mean an Andy and Jean Young fanzine?)

Subsequent fanhistory has been unenlightening as to the precise meaning of the Ghuist term yobber, nor can we explain just how you yob. Nevertheless, we enjoin you, Yobber to the very end!

In the 1950s, Karen Anderson named a fannish libation the Yobber. In her No Holds Barred recipe, it’s made from 1 oz. gin and 1 oz. frozen grape juice concentrate mixed in a tall glass topped off with ice and soda.

See also: Catchphrases and Linos.

From Fancyclopedia 2, ca. 1959
(Michel-Wollheim) A Ghuist term, obscure in meaning. This thingumbob is so popular in fandom that it is meet to quote the editorial (from a Mijimag in the 3rd FAPA mailing) in which it originally appeared:

"I, the Mentator Itself, call upon all heypoloyalists to rise and slice these absolte ones, slice them, write and wrothe and then -- then -- Yobber! Yes, Yobber! This is a time for stern measures.

"But first yob the leader. Yob the pohlth ikself! The pohlth that preens and croos. The very pohlth that would durst murmulate the Mentator myself! Vah! Tho we scorn with frange these attempts, yet we warn lesser sorji that things may get out of hand. So forward -- YOBBER TO THE VERY END!"

The cartoon-character Yobber, created by Jean Young, is illustrated elsewhere. [not shown]

From Fancyclopedia 1, ca. 1944
(Michel-Wollheim) - This thingumabob has become so popular that the author deems it necessary to quote the editorial in which it originated:

"I, the Mentator Itself, call upon all hoypoloyalists to rise and slice these absolte ones, slice them, writhe and wrothe and then -- then -- Yobber! Yes, yobber! This is a time for stern measures.

"But first yob the leader. Yob the pohlth ikself! The polth that preens and croos. The polth that would durst murmurlate the Mentator myself! Vah! Tho we scorn with frange these attempts, yet we warn lesser zorji that things may get out of hand. So Forward - YOBBER TO THE VERY END!" From a Mijimag in the 3d Mailing.

This is a fanspeak page. Please extend it by adding information about when and by whom it was coined, whether it’s still in use, etc.