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Star*Rockets, a 1950s fanzine edited by Maryland fan Raleigh Evans Multog, was generally regarded as a particularly inept crudzine. The total number of issues published is uncertain; the fanzine collection at University of California Riverside holds several issues with the highest-numbered being #9.

Star*Rockets is of interest for including a short early article by Bob Shaw, mentioned in Shaw's column The Glass Bushel in Hyphen #6 (January 1954). Which issue had the Shaw article has been forgotten; not #1, #3 or #8. Research continues.

In Psychotic 16, Dick Geis wrote:

It is rather painful to pan this zine issue after issue after issue, but pan it I must because it is the Crudzine-of-Fandom. Faneds, upon being approached by young fans with publishing ideas, invariably point to a copy of SR and say, "Pub if you must, but make damned sure your zine is better than that!" For this SR has not improved perceptably in nine lousy issues; the same mistakes are made, the same lack of forethought and editing are evident, and the same incredibly bad format and layouts are mute evidence that Multog is either incredibly stupid or incredibly stubborn. He MUST be able to do a better job of editing a zine than this. Certainly he knows what to do to improve SR because I know for a fact that many fans have written him letters containing concrete, practical and simple suggestions. But SR still comes out with commendable regularity and deplorable appearance. Twenty cents an issue he asks!!
Issue Date Pages -Notes
1 undated
3 February 1953
9 1954

Publication ????????
This is a publication page. Please extend it by adding information about when and by whom it was published, how many issues it has had, (including adding a partial or complete checklist), its contents (including perhaps a ToC listing), its size and repro method, regular columnists, its impact on fandom, or by adding scans or links to scans. See Standards for Publications.