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A fanzine published by George C. Willick. In a short review, Joe Siclari wrote:

George Willick's Parsection is an under-rated, lesser known example of a typical Midwestern genzine of its period. I don't mean that in a demeaning manner. Vic Ryan's Bane and the Coulson's Yandro, are better known titles. Parsection addressed science fiction and fannish subjects with a fairly sercon attitude. Humor and light "fannishness" was not its forte.

Parsection started off focusing on what Willick though was the reigning controversy of the day - whether science fiction magazines had any future. On this subject alone, the fanzine had a fairly hefty array of contributors including H. L. Gold, Gordy Dickson, Don Wollheim and others.

Joe Hensley had a series of lightly written columns which often triggered more hefty responses. One column on Claude Degler raised responses from Algis Budrys and Redd Boggs among others.

Overall, Parsection was good enough to attract some interesting contributors, Kate Wilhelm (fiction), Harlan Ellison and Roger Ebert (fanzine reviews) and a stable of well-known letter writers. Of special interest to fan historians is a series of autobiographical pieces from several fans - Buck Coulson, Rosemary Hickey, Sam Lundwall, Harry Warner, Jr., and more."
Issue Date Pages -Notes
1 September 1960 18
2 October 1960 22
3 December 1960 20
4 February 1961 20
5 March 1961 24
6 May 1961 20
7 June 1961 24
8 August 1961 20
9 September 1961 40

Parsection online at

Publication 1960
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