A peculiar fanzine published by John-Henri Holmberg. Its first issue was published in 1964; it later appeared both as a proper fanzine and as columns and/or editorials written by Holmberg in other fanzines (among others in DNQ), was later his personalzine in the Swedish apa Kulten.
In 1986, it became Holmberg's major fanzine, and issues 41 through 50, published in 1986 through early 1988, were frequent, with up to around 100 pages, and probably the most ambitious fannish fanzine published in Sweden: it contained essays, fan history, faan fiction (including translations of many faan fiction works by authors like Carl Brandon, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Redd Boggs, Terry Carr and others). In both 1987 and 1988, it was voted the best fanzine in Sweden.
Publication | 1964— |
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