George Ellis

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(???? – )

George Ellis was a UK fan from Manchester active from the 1930s through to the 1950s. He was a member of the Science Fiction Association (SFA), joining in August 1938. He was a member of the Manchester branch and also attended SFA meetings in Leeds and London.

He attended the Third British Convention in 1939, the Midvention in 1943, the Norcon over New Year 1943–4, the Eastercon in 1944, Norcon II over New Year 1944–5, and the Mancon in 1952. He was also a member of the British Fantasy Society (BFS), member 6, the British Fantasy Library (BFL) and the Nor'west Science Fantasy Club (NWSFC).

He's often mention in Futurian War Digest, usually in the context of visiting or being visited by other fans. While visiting Mike Rosenblum in July 1944 he helped to duplicate Futurian War Digest 36.

He is listed in the Directory of Anglo-Fandom for 1945 but not in Ron Bennett's Directory of Science Fiction Fandom for 1955.

During the Second World War he served as a fire-watcher.

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