Sydney Cove in '88

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A Worldcon bid launched in 1975 by Eric Lindsay to bring the Worldcon to Sydney, NSWAustralia, for the bicentennial of the city's founding at Sydney Cove. The bid -- probably announced in an excess of enthusiasm after the first Aussiecon -- was overtaken by other Australian bids for earlier years, the first being Perth in '84.

By early 1986, it was run by Jack Herman who filed papers with ConFederation (the 1986 Worldcon which would conduct site selection for the 1988 Worldcon) to qualify in case his write-in campaign won. He was quoted as saying, that his bid was

not just a clone of an American bid but a unique word of mouth campaign aimed at those fans dissatisfied with the four current bids. Similarly, the Convention, should it win, will not be another pale copy f previous Cons. The emphasis will not be on panels as the default programme item, but on a series of talks aimed at serious discussion of the scientific and social issues that underlie SF and a number of items aimed at encouraging performance and participation by all members of the con. Sydney Cove in '88 looks forward to enormous US support for this innovative (and cheap) bid.

It got 16 votes out of the 1983 votes cast.

The right to run the 1988 Worldcon was won by New Orleans in '88 which went on to run Nolacon II. See 1988 Worldcon Site Selection for details.

1975 Site Selection 1975
This is a page about a convention bid. Please extend it by adding information about who was bidding, officers, committee list, what they were bidding for, who their opponents were, and who won.