Clavius in 2001

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Clavius in 2001 (AKA Clavius Base in 2001) was a hoax bid for a Worldcon located in Clavius crater on the Moon based on Clarke's novel and Kubrick's film 2001: A Space Odyssey. It was mostly in the form of a website created by Steven H Silver, when Mike Glyer ran an article about it in File 770, noting that it was brought to his attention by Wilson Tucker, his main surprise was that Tucker had internet access.

2001 Site Selection 2001
This is a page about a convention bid. Please extend it by adding information about who was bidding, officers, committee list, what they were bidding for, who their opponents were, and who won.

If applicable, please include category Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe, Ireland, NZ, UK, US, ROW or World.