Somtow Sucharitkul

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(December 30, 1952 –)

A Thai-American pro writer and fan, who grew up in the UK, Somtow Papinian Sucharitkul also publishes under the byline S. P. Somtow. He has written sf, fantasy and horror. Since moving back to Thailand in 2001, he has been mostly active in music, composing and producing operas and conducting orchestras, but in the 2020s has gone back to writing fiction, as well.

While living in Washington, DC, he was an active member of Baltiwash fandom and WSFA and helped start the second series of The WSFA Journal and the Son of the WSFA Journal. He split from WSFA during the Dunegate feud, publishing the fanzine Dune Gate with Tim Sullivan and helping to form the Washington Alternative SF Association. He was a member of the Philadelphia in '86 bid committee, and attended cons around the United States.

He pubbed the fanzine Fanny Hill with Dan Joy.

In 1990, he wrote, directed, produced and starred in The Laughing Dead, a horror movie with a cast of fans and pros including Ed Bryant, Tim Powers, William F. Wu, Tim Sullivan, Forrest J Ackerman, Bill Warren, Beverly Warren and Len Wein. In 2021, he premiered and starred in a new horror film, The Maestro, which won the Spirit of Cinema Award at the Oldenburg International Film Festival.

In March 2015, Somtow visited the U.S. for the world premiere of his dark fantasy opera "The Snow Dragon" in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and the coinciding relaxacon Operacon.

From time to time, he makes threats to bid for a Thai Worldcon.

More reading:

Fanzines and Apazines:

Awards, Honors and GoHships:

Person 1952
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