Cincinnati in '88

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A bid to hold the 1988 Worldcon in Cincinnati, OH. The bid was apparently organized by Mike Lawlor, but he seems to have been somewhat of an unknowing frontman/stalking horse for fans from Columbus, OH. In any event, he left/was removed from the bid committee at Midwestcon 35 and replaced by Mark Evans. The bid was formally sponsored by FANACO, Inc..

The bid (frequently (and derisively) referred to as the "Columbinnati bid") generated opposition from many Cincinnati fans, which doubtless contributed to its defeat. In particular, local fans told fandom that Cincinnati's Labor Day celebration would directly compete with Worldcon for sleeping rooms, making the bid's claimed hotel block unrealistic.

Members of the bid committee at one time or another included Mike Banks, Al Cooper, Mark Evans, Margaret Henry, Bob Hillis, Marget Hilt, Liz Gross, Mike Lawlor, Dierdre Rittenhouse, and Jim Rittenhouse.

The competition was New Orleans in '88 (which won), the Bermuda Triangle Bid, and St. Louis in '88. See 1988 Site Selection for details.


See for scans of bidding materials

1988 Site Selection 1988
This is a page about a convention bid. Please extend it by adding information about who was bidding, officers, committee list, what they were bidding for, who their opponents were, and who won.