New Zealand

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(Were you looking for Roger Horrock’s fanzine KiwiFan?)

New Zealand, home to the Kiwifen, has held a New Zealand Natcon since 1979, but fandom existed there as early as the 1930s (and Aubrey MacDermott claimed a New Zealander belonged to the Golden Gate Scientific Association in 1930). The country received a big tourist boost in the 2000s from admirers of the Lord of the Rings films shot there, but we have no word on their impact on Kiwifandom.

Wellington, NZ, was to have hosted the nation’s first Worldcon, CoNZealand, in 2020, but the Covid-19 pandemic meant it had to be held online.

NASF was a New Zealand national club founded in 1976 yielding in the early 2000s to SFFANZ. It bestows the New Zealand Science Fiction Fan Awards. There are also the Sir Julius Vogel Awards. Other clubs: Auckland Science Fiction Club, Stella Nova Science Fiction and Fantasy Club, Phoenix Science Fiction Society, Christchurch Science Fiction Club, Upper Hutt Science Fiction Club, Auckland University Science Fiction Society, The SpecFicNZ Society and WASF.

Kiwi BNFs have included Roger Horrocks, Brian Thurogood, Frank Macskasy, Jnr., Lyn McConchie, Tim Jones, Alex Heatley, Tom Cardy, Nigel Rowe, Linette Horne and Renaldo. Horrocks published the fanzine KiwiFan in the 1950s. Rowe pubbed Timeless Sands — a History of Science Fiction Fandom in New Zealand and The History of Science Fiction Fandom in ... New Zealand ....

New Zealand and Australia together are Australasia.

New Zealand SF Index.

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