Louisville in '94

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The Louisville bid began as Nashville in '94, a joint bid of fans from Louisville and Nashville to bid to hold the 1994 Worldcon at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, TN. (It was called the L&N bid after the L&N Railroad and used a railroad theme.) In 1990, more than a year before the vote, the Opryland Hotel told the bid that it would no longer guarantee to hold the space until the vote and the bid concluded it had no choice but to move to Louisville and bid the convention center there.

The competition was Winnipeg in '94, which won and went on to run ConAdian. See 1994 Worldcon Site Selection for details. (There were also serious bids for Perth in '94 and Milwaukee in 1994, which did not file and were not on the site selection ballot.)

The bid was headed by Sue Francis, Steve Francis, and Ken Moore and the bid committee also included Dick Spelman, Jane Dennis, Scott Dennis, Gary Robe, Pat Molloy, Pat Sims, Roger Sims.

1990 Site Selection 1990
This is a page about a convention bid. Please extend it by adding information about who was bidding, officers, committee list, what they were bidding for, who their opponents were, and who won.