In Re Yours

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In Re Yours (the British Fanzine Bibliography lists it as In Re: Yours) was a 6-page, single-issue apazine published in December 1954 by Ken Slater for OMPA mailing 2. It contained an article, 'I Decline', in which Slater took issue with the idea of a bond for candidates in TAFF:

In view of the unfansmanlike position adopted by 'some members of the London Circle', who have suggested that candidates nominated by the Trans Fan Fund Trip should be called upon to post a bond, I feel regretfully compelled to decline the nomination which Peter Campbell has so kindly made for me[1].

Slater finished by offering to stand the bond of any candidate who was unable to come up with £5, with the exception of members of the London Circle.


  1. Quoted by Rob Hansen in Then , page 138.

Publication 1954
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