Donn P. Brazier
(October 4, 1917 – May 27, 2002)
St. Louis faned Donn Paul Brazier (born Donald Pail Brazier) published the well-known fanzine Title from 1972–77 and Farrago from 1975–78. He also published Frontier, Googol, Reverb Howl, and Natterings.
He had been active in the 1940s, from overseas during World War II, and afterward, publishing Ember when he lived in Milwaukee, where he belonged to the Milwaukee Fictioneers. He gafiated and then became a revenant in the late ’60s, joining OSFA.
Brazier was among the earliest fans to use a photocopier for publishing his fanzine instead of the then-usual mimeograph. He was director of the Museum of Science and Natural History in St. Louis. The museum contracted for photocopying service with a specific number of copies each month, and Brazier used the surplus left after museum business to pub his ish, which made a tight limit to the number of copies he could publish.
He made extensive use of the medium by cutting and pasting in his correspondents' locs instead of retyping them, literally slicing them into ribbons to divide up his lettercol by topic, so parts of the same letter might appear in several sections of the zine. This unique way of creating a conversation among regular loccers was sometimes bewildering to new readers.
Brazier was rigorous about requiring active response from recipients or cutting them off his necessarily limited mailing list. That and his lettercolumn style created a tight circle of regulars who came to be called Titlers.
In 1976, Brazier was goh at AutoClave 1. He was a founder of the Frontier Society, a Fortean group, and an early member of VAPA. He was a member of OSFA. In 1941, he was a charter member of The National Fantasy Fan Federation (N3F).
Brazier served as a major in the U.S. Army Air Forces during World War II and is buried in Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery.
More Reading =[edit]
- “Donn P. Brazier as a Fortean” by Joshua BluBuhs, From an Oblique Angle, August 7, 2014 (archived).
- Founding Members article in August 2017 issue National Fantasy Fan.
- Bibliography at ISFDB.
- Obituaries by Don Ayres and Sheryl Birkhead in File 770 142 (June 2003, p.12).
- Prabook entry.
- FindaGrave entry.

- Ember
- Farrago
- Frontier
- Googol
- Natterings [1972]
- Nutterings [1972]
- Reverb Howl
- Title
Awards, Honors and GoHships:
- 1976 — AutoClave 1
Person | 1917—2002 |
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