Chris Krolczyk

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(August 18, 1965 – )

Chris Krolczyk is a longtime SF fan from Chicago who began attending SF and comic book conventions as a teenager in the early 1980s and who first attended a fan-run convention at Capricon 5 in 1985. Up to 2023, he hasn't missed a Capricon since.

Chris has attended so many conventions in that 40-plus year stretch that he's lost count of them, but in the mid-90s he began staffing them, eventually ending up on the concoms of Capricon, Duckon and Windycon a combined 12 times or so. He also ran the anime department from Capricon 37 through Capricon 40, was Operations co-second at DucKon 23 and served as an IRT (i.e., security) staffer at Anime Central from 2003 to 2005 and was a volunteer for the outbound logistics crew at Chicon 2000 and Chicon 7. He was the anime department second at several other Capricons and Windycons and was part of the Programming staff at Chicon 8 until he forgot the cardinal rule of never evoking a convention's wordmark in an email intended for public comment. Lesson learned, and any crash you can walk away from is still a good one, right?

Chris helped host a series of con room parties — originally known as The Inquisition, but which later transmogrified into the Men In Black and eventually the MIB Pirate Party — for some 20 years where copious amounts of libations were served and morals were successfully corrupted. We don't do that any more due to how expensive it is with only five to seven people, but we've got our memories — most of which we don't wince at.

Chris continues his fanac from his northwest Chicago neighborhood to this day, and although the Covid pandemic took the wind out of his sails to a certain extent, he'll eventually get over it — as will everybody else.

Person 1965
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