Cedric Walker
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(1923[1] – )
Cedric Walker was a UK fan and pro from County Durham, then Edinburgh, then Hull active in the 1940s and 1950s. He was a member of the British Fantasy Library (BFL) and Science Fantasy Society (SFS).
Walker was 'one of the blip-happy boys of wartime radar' (Booklist, Winter 1947) and a surveyor by profession. He published a number of short stories between 1949 and 1951 in venues including Slant and New Worlds. According to Walt Willis writing in Xero #7:
It was after the publication of this second issue [of Slant] that things really began to happen. Like for instance Ted Carnell asking our Cedric Walker to write for New Worlds. This was a big thrill – Professional Recognition – and I don't remember being at all put out that Ted didn't seem to be interested in my story. I don't remember if this was true humility, or whether I privately thought it was a bit too good for New Worlds — probably both alternately. Cedric did duly appear in NW, and later in the American Marvel with a story I had rejected from Slant (only because it was too long – we weren't all that choosy then) but he was a bit of a sobersides and after a while we lost interest and stopped cajoling material from him
He does not appear in the 1945 Directory of Anglo-Fandom.
Person | 1923— |
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