Faancon 6

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Faancon 6 was a convention held on February 13–15, 1981 in the Parklands Hotel, Oxford, UK. It was organised by Kevin Smith ('The Bellman') and Dave Langford ('The Crew of the Captain's Gig') . The programme book lists 46 members although two are noted as 'definitely not coming'.

The initial announcement from October-November 1980 quoted membership rates of £1.50 'per Household' with 'up to £1.00 to be refunded on actual appearance at Faancon 6'. Hotel rates were £8 per person per night.

The third progress report said:

This being Faancon, there will be no programme – perish the thought. However, kindly Martin Hoare has volunteered to bring his video recorder and will be providing wholly spontaneous, unprogrammed and illicit showings of Hitchhiker (if nothing else) on request. If you have access to any (Betamax) video cassettes of possible relevance, by all means bring them along. Both Kevin and Dave have enough sense not to organize an official swimming party at Parson's Pleasure.


Faancon 5 Faancon Faancon 7
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