Rick Katze

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Rick Katze at Albacon 20; Photo by Mark Olson

(1944 -- )

Rick Katze is a long-time Boston-area con-running fan. He is a member of NESFA and MCFI (and has been an officer of both) and has been a member of SCIFI. He has worked on over forty Boskones and many Worldcons. A lawyer professionally, he was counsel to the Connie Bailout Committee and negotiated the purchase of Connie's unpaid non-fannish debt at about sixty cents on the dollar.

He chaired Boskone 21, Boskone 28, Boskone 41, and Lexicon 8, and has edited many books for NESFA Press, including the six-volume Best of Poul Anderson series. He was made a Fellow of NESFA in 1980. He appeared in Back to Rivets. He served several times as Hugo Administrator.

Person 1944
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