A History of Fandom in 100 Documents

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What hundred documents tell the story of fandom? We're not talking history books here, but documents and articles which themselves formed our culture from the earliest days until today.

The list is just starting.

Year Document Author -Notes
1939 A Warning! Dave Kyle A Michelist pamphlet which Dave Kyle distributed at the First Worldcon, triggering the first Exclusion Act.
1948 Ah! Sweet Idiocy! Francis Towner Laney FTL’s gafiation fanoir.
1954 The Enchanted Duplicator Walt Willis and Bob Shaw Possibly the most reprinted work in fandom, The Enchanted Duplicator is an allegory which crystallized a particular image of what fandom ought to be and gave shape to fandom's future.
1955 The Neo-Fan's Guide Bob Tucker Tucker’s essential introduction to fandom.
1963 The Great Breen Boondoggle, or All Berkeley Is Plunged into War Bill Donaho The first public sally in the Breendoggle.
1965 Discon 1 Guide George Scithers A long document describing how Scithers ran Discon I, the 1963 Worldcon. It is noteworthy because it describes in interesting detail how a Worldcon was run back when they were still small.

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