Farah Mendlesohn

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(July 27, 1968 --)

Farah Jane Mendlesohn is a fan who was Professor and Head of the Department of English, Communication, Film and Media at Anglia Ruskin University. She was previously Reader in Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature in the Media Department at Middlesex University. She writes on the history of American religions and British and American SF and fantasy. She received her D. Phil. in History from the University of York in 1997.

She was the editor of Foundation -- The International Review of Science Fiction from 2002 to 2007.

Her book Rhetorics of Fantasy won the BSFA Award for best non-fiction book in 2009; the book was also nominated for the Hugo Award, the World Fantasy Award, and the Mythopoeic Award.

The Cambridge Companion to Fantasy Literature was nominated for the Hugo Award, the BFA Award, and the BSFA Award.

Children's Fantasy Literature: An Introduction won both a WFA Special Award, Professional and the Mythopoeic Scholarship Award (for Myth and Fantasy Studies).

The Pleasant Profession of Robert A. Heinlein was nominated for both the Hugo Award and the BSFA Award

Mendlesohn was Chair of the 2006 and 2019 Eastercons, Concussion and Ytterbium, and was Co-Chair for the 2002 SFRA Conference of the Science Fiction Research Association.

Awards, Honors and GoHships:

2001 Best Related Book Hugo - 2001: A Celebration of British Science Fiction - 2005 Best Related Book Hugo - 2005 Hugos - 2009 Best Related Book Hugo - 2010 Best Related Work Hugo - 2013 Best Related Work Hugo - BSFA Award - Best Non-Fiction Book Hugo - Category:Fan - Category:Haswebsite - Category:Person - Category:Pro - Category:UK - Concussion - Durhamcon - Durhamcon 1 - Edward James - FantasyCon - FantasyCon 2018 - Finncon - Finncon 2008 - Foundation - International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts - Karl Edward Wagner Award - Levitation - Michael M. Levy - Picocon - Picocon 24 - PictCon1 - SFRA Conference - Ytterbium - Zoo Nation

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