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The first local apa for Las Vegas fandom got started in late 1993, a mere two years after Joyce and Arnie Katz, having moved to the area, paid their first visit to the local club SNAFFU, opened their home ("Toner Hall") to monthly less formal Socials (the third Saturday of the month), began an invitational group (Las Vegrants) for fanzine fans (the first Saturday of the month) and effectively introduced the fans who attended to the idea of fanzines with a series of oneshots titled The Vegas All-Stars.

The Vegrant was the Official Organ.

The constitution of APA-V, drafted by the first OE Ken Forman, was a masterpiece of simplicity: "Fen should devote all of their energy to two Activities. (1) Doing fanac, pubbing their ishes, writing articles for other ishes, creating art, etc. (2) Sex."

Often with less than a half dozen participants, the early distributions remained small until a feature was introduced that became a cornerstone of APA-V: the Group Topic. Ideas would be tossed around at the gatherings until one struck their fancy. No one was obliged to stick to that topic, but it did provide focus and began producing larger distributions.

John Hardin, Arnie Katz and Ross Chamberlain served as subsequent OEs until, in the fashion/tradition established by APA-F (of which both Arnie and Ross had been members and participants), APA-V ran its course of 66 distributions, the final mailing appearing in April of 1996.

Members and Apazines:[edit]

Publication 19931996
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