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For the fannish term, see traveling jiant and publishing

A perzine by Sandra Bond, "the smaller, and in theory more frequent, successor to QuasiQuote" (after its #9, March 2012); it did not last.

Issue Date Pages -Notes
1 March 2014 8 several interlineations
2 May 2014 14 includes the brief "I Am Not George R.R. Martin" by John Dallman; over 8 pages are LoCs

https://efanzines.com/Quasiquote/, includes Jiant

Publication 2014
This is a publication page. Please extend it by adding information about when and by whom it was published, how many issues it has had, (including adding a partial or complete checklist), its contents (including perhaps a ToC listing), its size and repro method, regular columnists, its impact on fandom, or by adding scans or links to scans. See Standards for Publications.