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FANEWSCARD / (Redirected from Fanewscard)
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A newszine published starting in 1943 as a cardzine (except a few times when it wasn't!). The title was variously FANEWS[CARD] and FANEWSCARD.

There were hundreds of issues, and several editors including Bob Tucker, Ed Connor, Frank Robinson, Walt Dunkelberger, Earl Kay, and Will Sykora. The Third Annish issue was included in the Pacificon Combozine.

Issues Dates Editor(s) -Notes
1-13 July-October 1943 Bob Tucker
14-51 October 1943-July 1944 Ed Connor and Frank Robinson
52 1944 Frank Robinson
53 July 31, 1944 Walt Dunkelberger
54-133 July 1944-September 11, 1945 Walt Dunkelberger & Earl Kay
134-209 early 1945-August 1945 Walt Dunkelberger Kay has left, but is still listed as co-editor
210-213 September 15, 1945 Walt Dunkelberger and K. Martin Carlson
214-243 September 18, 1945 Walt Dunkelberger
November 1945 Walt Dunkelberger and K. Martin Carlson
244-345 February 1946-December 1954 Walt Dunkelberger

Publication Website 1943
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