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(Did you mean the New York University SF Club APA?)

a.k.a. APA-ν (Greek letter 'nu')

Another apa which revolved around a local fan club, in this case the New York University Science Fiction Society (NYUSFS). In the winter of 1973-74, Samuel Edward Konkin III, a.k.a. SEK3, paid a visit to southern California, attended a LASFS meeting and participated in an APA-L collation. He came back to New York eager to start an analogous club apa for NYUSFS, apparently unaware that APA-L had been inspired by APA-F, the weekly apa which was collated at the alternating biweekly meetings of FIStFA and Fanoclasts. With Richard Friedman, then and forever Mayor of NYUSFS, he launched APA-NYU (or APA-ν, where ν is the Greek letter nu) in April 1974. Collations, nominally monthly, were actually a bit irregular in its early years, but by the end of 1978 were achieving that schedule as well as page counts as high as 100, with their September collations being done at Worldcons. Marc Glasser chose the title of Official Self-Appointed Agent and Collator (O.S.A.A.&C.) and began doing ToCs and announcements pages after Konkin moved to Los Angeles. At Corflu 7 in 1990, the APA-NYU Collating Team won the coveted Egoboo for fastest error-free performance in the Collate-Off.

"Now, in the beginning, (more or less, give or take over-punctuation), I attended an LASFS meeting and had a copy of APA-L bestowed upon me. Eureka!, as I usually cry when I am about to rip-off a "new" idea, this is what New York fandom (non-lunarian) needs. So I returned to New York University's soon-to-be-famed Science Fiction Society meetings on my flying Olive Branch bearing the dove and said, "Let there be an APA-NYU (pun of "NYU" by using the Greek letter @<ν>@, which means "frequency" in Chemistry and its subset, Physics)" and lo and behold, we missed the first couple of deadlines!" (SEK3 in Clear Ether! vol. 1 No. 1, collated in APA-NYU 1)

Contributors and Apazines:[edit]


Publication 1974
This is a publication page. Please extend it by adding information about when and by whom it was published, how many issues it has had, (including adding a partial or complete checklist), its contents (including perhaps a ToC listing), its size and repro method, regular columnists, its impact on fandom, or by adding scans or links to scans. See Standards for Publications.