1987 Worldcon Site Selection

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Site selection for the 1987 Worldcon was held at Aussiecon 2 in Melbourne in 1985. The bidders on the site selection ballot were Britain in '87 (which won, and went on to run Conspiracy '87) and Phoenix in 1987.

San Diego in '87 and Vancouver in '87 had both been in the race, but did not file bidding papers and thus were not on the site selection ballot. Pluto in '87 was a party-running hoax bid.

Bidder At-con Mail -Total
Britain in '87 262 145 407
Phoenix in 1987 14 88 102
None of the Above 3 - 3
No Preference 6 6 12
Other 1 1 2
Invalid - 1 1
Total 286 241 527

1986 Worldcon Site Selection 1988 1987
This is page about convention bidding, the competition and its outcome. Please extend it by adding information about who was bidding, and how the race went.