1985 Westercon Site Selection

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The bidders to run the 1985 Westercon were Phoenix in '85 and Sacramento in '85. Westercon site selection was conducted by the 1983 Westercon, Westerchron.

We don't have the official report, but the results reported in File 770 were that they wer approximately:

Bidder -Votes
Sacramento in '85 458
Phoenix in '85 148
None of the Above 16
Oakland 1
San Jose 1
No Preference 15
Total 639

As a consequence, the Westercon 38 was held in Sacramento.

1984 Westercon Site Selection 1986 1985
This is page about convention bidding, the competition and its outcome. Please extend it by adding information about who was bidding, and how the race went.