1971 TAFF Race

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Mario Bosnyak beat Per Insulander, Terry Jeeves, Peter Weston. Bosnyak was criticised by some for having actively campaigned -- not the done thing -- by going to cons in Europe and handing out ballots and asking for support, resulting in one of the smaller TAFF Wars, which see for more.

Candidate NA Europe Round 1 Total Round 2 -Round 3
Mario Bosnyak 32 106 138 163 184
Per Insulander 27 20 *47
Terry Jeeves 44 22 66 *74
Peter Weston 51 33 84 95 113
Hold Over Funds 1 0 *1
Totals 154 181 336 332 297

1970 TAFF 1973 Website 1971
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