China Miéville

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(September 6, 1972 --)

China Miéville was educated at The University of Cambridge, first class honors, 1991; London School of Economics (Ph.D. in social anthropology, 2001).

First SF Novel: King Rat (UK: Macmillan, 1998/United States: Tor, 1999); First SF Collection: Looking for Jake and Other Stories (2005).

His first novel, King Rat, a "dark myth" mystery-fantasy PBO, was a reworking of the Pied Piper legend. Perdido Street Station is set in the imaginary world of New Crobuzon. His latest book, The Scar (2002), is a standalone novel, but set in the same world as Perdido Street Station. "The Tain", a weird novella about mirror people, appeared in 2002; and the collection, The Tain and Other Stories, is forthcoming. Another novel, The Iron Council, the third in the "New Crobuzon" sequence, appeared in 2004. Looking for Jake, his first collection of short fiction (14 stories, including four original pieces), was published in 2005.

Mi@<é>@ville has lived in Egypt and Cuba, but usually lives and works in London. He cites Mervyn Peake and M. John Harrison as his primary literary influences. At one time he was a leading writer and proponent of "New Weird" fiction, but by 2006 felt the term had outlived its usefulness.

He is active in politics, has run for office (in 2001 the Socialist Alliance Candidate for British Parliament), and has written the non-fiction book, Between Equal Rights: A Marxist Theory of International Law (2005).

He was interviewed in The Third Alternative #25. Another interview, "Messing with Fantasy," appeared in the March, 2002, issue of Locus; another Locus interview appeared in the November, 2006, issue ("Fabular Logic"). He was also profiled by Therese Littleton in the January 2005 issue (Vol. 74, No. 1) of Amazing.

He currently teaches creative writing at Watwick University; in 2012–13, he was Writer-in-Residence at Roosevelt University in Chicago.

Awards, Honors and GoHships:

Person Website 1972
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