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(Did you mean Adzine Ray C. Higgs’ fanzine?)

From Fancyclopedia 2, ca. 1959
(Adzines are simply fanzines which exist as a medium for advertisements; other material may be included without changing the nature of the zine.) Want ads are often placed to fill gaps in a collection, or for rare items. For sales include the same thing, sometimes offering an entire collection; and a good deal of trade results from these and swap ads. There are also advertisements of stickers, stationery, odd typeribbons, organizations, fan gatherings and all sorts stuff.

Mention should be made of the humorous fake advertisements of Lowndes, Danner, Grennell and others. Lowndes and Danner imagine a capitalistic future and offer remedies for horrible new maladies, books on spicy customs of ETs, begging ads for unlikely charities, industrial novelties from the United Vacuum Fabricating Machinery Works, ktp.

From Fancyclopedia 1, ca. 1944
Both classified and display ads are published in fanzines, more often on an exchange basis than paid for. The most common commodity advertised is another fanzine, in which case authors and titles of articles are the chief inducement mentioned. There are also advertisements of stickers, stationery, type ribbons, etc., organizations, and fan gatherings. Display ads of a page or fraction of a page are often decorated with irrelevant art work, and sometimes the appeal will be put humorously, as "Hi, sucker, ...." Want ads are often placed for bits to fill gaps in a collection, or for rare items. For sales include the same kind of thing, sometimes an entire collection being offered. A considerable amount of trade results from these and swap ads. Booster ads are a special type.

Mention should also be made of the humorous fake advertisements of Lowndes and others. Lowndes imagines a capitalistic future and offers remedies for horrible new maladies, books on spicy customs of e.t.'s, &c.
