Science Fiction News

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Science Fiction News (McPhail)
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A fanzine published by Dan McPhail in the 1930s. The first newszine, it was turned into a subzine in 1935 and then subtitled "the newsmagazine for the fantasy fan." It was also a pioneer in reporting news of fandom, in contrast to its contemporary, Fantasy Magazine, which largely ignored fanactivity. It was an "Official Publication: Oklahoma Scientifiction Association".

Issue Dates Pages -Notes
1 1931
4.3 April 1936 14
4.4 May 1936 10
5.1 June 1936 14
5.2 July 1936 10
5.3 October 1936 14
5.4 November 1936 14
5.5 December 1936 14 Final issue

Science Fiction News (McPhail) online at

Publication 19311936
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