From Fancyclopedia 2, ca. 1959
Inchmery is a street in Catford, London, and the fandom that lived there was Joy & Vin¢ Clarke and Sandy Sanderson. They deluged fandom with vast store of fanzines in 1958-9 and became so well known under their old address that when they moved to Queen's Road, New Cross, they retained the "Inchmery" name for their apartment.
Inchmery Fandom was one of the focal points of British fandom in the late 50s, but was destroyed by personal problems (Joy Clarke leaving Vin¢ Clarke and moving to the US with Sandy Sanderson). After this, Vince gafiated and was not heard from again until the 80s. He later said, "Fandom was too painful for me at that time."
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