Queens SFL in '53

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A bid to host the 1953 Worldcon in New York City which was comprised of three New York City fan groups including the venerable Queens SFL and led by Will Sykora. This was an exceptionally complicated race (see 1953 Worldcon Site Selection for details, and included two bids from New York City (the other was the Amalgamated Greater New York Fan Groups in '53, led by Dave Kyle, a long-time rival of Sykora's and a Niagara Falls in '53 bid from Upstate.

(Harry Warner comments that some of the other bidders for the 1953 Worldcon were from cities with fewer fans than New York had cliques.)

At the last moment, just before voting at Chicon II, Kyle dramatically withdrew his bid in favor of Philadelphia in '53 which won. The Queens bid finished fourth.

See 1953 Worldcon Site Selection for details.

1953 Site Selection 1953
This is a page about a convention bid. Please extend it by adding information about who was bidding, officers, committee list, what they were bidding for, who their opponents were, and who won.