Onesie Conventions

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There have been a lot of one-off conventions: Some intentionally so; others not so much. We collect them here.

We do not include conventions which are part of a series such as Worldcon, Eastercon, Eurocon, etc., regardless of whether they have similar names or not. Nor do we include conventions which were intended as one-shots but later came to be seen as an instance of a continuing convention. (E.g., Smofcon 0 or Midwestcon 0.)

See also Early Conventions for a list of conventions (mostly one-shots) held before the end of 1946.

Convention Date GoH(s) Location Notes
NECON October 14, 1951 Ken Slater, Joyce Slater Bradford, UK
Buffalocon May 2-4, 1952 Buffalo, NY Announced, but no record of it happening
Illwiscon July 4-6, 1958 Chicago