Faancon 5

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Faancon 5, more formerly The Fifth World Faancon, was a convention held on February 1-3, 1980 in the Helen Hotel, Cambridge, UK. It was organised by Celia Parsons. The third progress report gives membership as 31 and the report in Ansible #7 (March 1980) says '40-odd fans were present'.

The second progress report quoted membership rates of £1.50. Hotel rates were £16.10 for a double/twin room with shower or £14.90 without.

The Ansible report said:

Parsons ran the lack of [[programme[[ by remote control whilst absent at CUSFS meetings, lectures, rat-torturing sessions, lacrosse games ... however, she was sighted in the bar on at least two occasions. Lousy beer but good fun. Hotel sitting-room layout was a minor problem; fans tended to sit in a huge circle just looking at one another rather than address the whole room; the cursed circle was broken when enough people piled in.

Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter #102 (February 1980) said:

This was a small, friendly convention without a fixed programme. The venue was the Helen Hotel, and about forty people attended including half a dozen from the Brum Group. The only complaints were over the lack of draught beer at the hotel. 

Faancon 4 Faancon Faancon 6
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