Third Science Fiction Convention Booklet

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A 12-page program booklet for the "Third Science Fiction Convention" (in modern parlance Third Eastern Science Fiction Convention) held on 30 October 1937. "Editors: John V. Baltadonis [,] Oswald Train [and] Milton Rothman […] published through the courtesy of Comet Publications, 1700 Frankfort Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Free to persons attending convention". Contents as given on p.2 were these four items:

  • Program of Convention ……… Page 3 [only item names, no times; the most substantial is "Speech by John B. Michel" – see Mutation or Death!, in the end delivered by Wollheim ]
  • Convention Notes By John V. Baltadonis ……… Page 4 [a. o. "Through the courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Baltadonis, we have an excellent meeting place. Please don’t abuse th[e? -is? quite illegible] privilege by injuring property in any wav."]
  • Science Fiction Internationale by Donald A. Wollheim ……… Page 6 [bottom half, after first 11 lines of the article, taken up by hand-lettered ad "The fifteenth issue of the Science Fiction Collector is now on sale. Purchase your copy while you can." About 600-word paean on wonderfulness of SF and friendliness of fans, generally Michelist but phrased much more vaguely than Michel's speech, with no direct mention of politics etc. Ends with exhortation "It is these dreams and bonds that make every fan the brother of every other. What need for further organization? […] A state of mind shared in common over all fans of all the world. A state of mind, a set of ideals that makes up the binding matter for the invisible but all-embracing fraternity of idealists — Science Fiction International!" Missing -e sic, it is present both in contents and hand-lettered title.]
  • Autographs ……… Page 9 [i. e. three pages left empty]

Back cover has undecipherable hand-written advert, ending with the address above and "Subscribe now".

Third Eastern publications and photos on – 663 kiB PDF of a faded and somewhat water-blurred copy; some OCR but mostly garbled

Publication 1937
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