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The 1963 Worldcon and first in the Baltimore/Washington area, Discon was held August 31 - September 2 at the Statler-Hilton Hotel, Washington, DC. GoH: Murray Leinster. Isaac Asimov was Toastmaster. Chaired by George Scithers.

The Hugo rules were changed at Discon so that series became ineligible for Hugos: only individual works were henceforth eligible.

See 1964 Worldcon Site Selection.

Chairman George Scithers wrote an extensive report on the convention, telling the whole story. It's a wonderful example of what running a Worldcon was like in simpler days.

DC in 1963 was unopposed.

See Dave Kyle's reminiscence of Discon I written for the Noreascon Three PB.

Chicon III Worldcon - Bidding - Hugos Pacificon II
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