Talk:Daphne Buckmaster

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An earlier version of this page said she was in SAPS and the BSFA but I can find no evidence of either. She seems to have been on the waitlist for SAPS but there's no record of her producing any apazines for it. She did have a letter in Vector #10 but unless I missed it she's not on the lists of BSFA members in previous issues. --Mark Plummer (talk) 01:41, 16 June 2024 (PDT)

As for the remembered but unverifiable British Fantasy Library advert in New Worlds No. 1 or 2: The BFL entry currently says "In December [1947] Walt Willis saw an advertisement for the BFL in a prozine and wrote off for details." (sadly no details or source; also WAW's entry is so chock-full of his later achievements that his humble beginnings and way into fandom are not mentioned at all) This might well be the same thing; is it possible that this would be an inserted leaf/flyer, so would not be scanned with the magazine itself? --JVjr (talk) 10:18, 19 June 2024 (PDT)
I've added a citation for the Willis origin story. A friend has checked every UK prozine of the right period and none have advertisements for the BFL. So it's possible it was an inserted flyer, or at least I can't say it wasn't. The other possibility is a BRE of a US prozine, or even a mention in a US original. The BFL is mentioned in at least Amazing Stories, October 1948, and Startling Stories, May 1949, although both are too late for Willis/Buckmaster origins. --Mark Plummer (talk) 02:37, 20 June 2024 (PDT)