Rick Norwood
(March 4, 1942 -– )

Rick Norwood, a southern Louisiana fan now in Tennessee, was at MIT (with a subsequent career as a mathematician) during the early days of Spacewar, and later a member of LASFS in the mid-1960s. Returning to New Orleans from time to time with tales of cons, clubs, and dreams of what might be, he joined with John Guidry in rounding up and organizing a group of established fen, neofen, and protofen into what was the late 1960s rebirth of active, organized fandom in New Orleans.
He founded the APA George. He was a member of CAPA-alpha. He edited two issues of Nolazine. He co-chaired DeepSouthCon 6 and DeepSouthCon 9.
He was GoH at No Con in 1975 and at DeepSouthCon 56 (Concave 39) in 2018.
He was also the hapless klutz in the masquerade who fell and caused the St. Louiscon Movie Screen Affair.
In 1976, Norwood founded Manuscript Press, a small press that specializes in reprints of comic strips and also in previously unpublished novels by SF authors, including:
- Left of Africa by Hal Clement
- Archipelago by R. A. Lafferty
- The Magic Talisman by John Blaine (Harold Godwin)
- Cliffhangers and Others [mid-60s] (for SFPA)
- Comics Revue (with Don Markstein)
- Maltese One-Shot (with others)
- Nolazine (two issues)
- So What [early 60s]
Awards, Honors and GoHships:
- 1975 — No Con
- 2018 — Rebel Award, DeepSouthCon 56 (Concave 39)
Person | 1942— |
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