Flabbergasting Stories

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A fanzine published by John Michel and Don Wollheim. It seems conceivable that it was a joke, as its colophon says:

Published bimonthly by the Sehrechlich Publishing Company, owned and operated by
the I N T E R N A T I O N A L   S C I E N T I F I C   A S S O C I A T I O N#
Editor, Boris V. Burpsovitch, JBM
Staff: - Aguinaldo H. Whistleweed, JEM; Matilda von Twortoh, DAW; Haggard Harpy,
DAW; Hassenfeffer K. Bepp, NOIP and Beelzebub R. Sohlup, NOIP.
Issue Date Pages -Notes
1 January-February 1936 10

Publication 1936
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