Disclave 34

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Disclave 34 was held Memorial Day weekend 1990 at the the hotel, which not only had a new name, but claimed it was somewhere it wasn't. It was still in New Carrollton, MD, but it was now called the Sheraton Greenbelt. (This was not altogether untrue, as Greenbelt was nearby...)

Chairman Eva Whitley had Mike Resnick as GoH and Dawn Wilson as Art GoH. Somtow Sucharitkul was Movie Mogul GoH, Marty Gear was Fan GoH, and Doug Beekman was Featured Artist.

Jack Chalker and Eva Whitley produced a book for WSFA Press: A collection of Mike Resnick's short stories called Through Darkest Resnick with Gun and Camera. Evan Phillips' oriental paradise Discave, was again the highpoint of the con. 1300 attended.

Disclave 33 Disclave 34 Disclave 35
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