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Fanzine published in 1954 by Carol McKinney, which lasted for four issues.

Issue Date Pages -Notes
1 March 1954 34 Cover by Dorothy Hansen, the art editor. Includes a FanHistory of Peon by Charles Lee Riddle
2 May 1954 32
3 July 1954 32 Dick Geis wrote of thish in Psychotic 16: “The most outstanding thing about D, however, aside from the letter section, is the superb mimeography. And it is worthy of no­tice that editor McKinney gets such perfect results not from an electric $600 ABDick or some such, but from a $35 Sears & Roebuck TOWER model. From now on I am going to look upon poor mimeography in other fanzines with less than no patience. If. with this object lesson in mind, a faned cannot at least present legible material....”
4 December 1954 30

Publication 1954
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