2021 Westercon Site Selection

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The site for the 2021 Westercon, Westercon 74, was selected in 2019 at Westercon 72 in Layton, UT. There were two bidders: Phoenix in 2021, and Tonopah in 2021, which won with 82 of the 140 ballots cast.

Bidder Mail Thurs Fri -Total
Phoenix in 2021 3 11 37 51
Tonopah in 2021 9 32 41 82
write-in 1 1
None of the Above 0
Total with Preference 134
Needed to Elect 68
No Preference 6 6

With 134 votes cast with a preference, 68 votes were needed to win; Tonopah in 2021 won on the first ballot and hosted Westercon 74 in Tonopah, NV — after being postponed for a year due to Covid-19. Therefore, there was no 2022 Westercon Site Selection.

2020 Westercon Site Selection 2022 2021
This is page about convention bidding, the competition and its outcome. Please extend it by adding information about who was bidding, and how the race went.