E. C. Reynolds

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E. C. Reynolds was a very early Los Angeles fan who was the first head of the LASFL, the L.A. branch (#4) of the Science Fiction League, which later became LASFS. He was member #315 of the SFL.

He organized a letter-writing campaign to get Hollywood to produce more scientifiction films. In the pages of Wonder Stories (https://archive.org/details/Wonder_Stories_v06n09_1935-02/page/n109/mode/2up [February 1935, p. 1133]), Hugo Gernsback encouraged readers to send letters insisting that more science fiction films be made to E. C. Reynolds, who was then to pass these on to producers. He later reported that he only got eleven letters and still later that he had to quit the SFL because of his "night employment," which seems to be the end if his fannish career.

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