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Zymic was an apazine for OMPA edited by Vin¢ Clarke. In its first issue he described it as:

an experimental zine – scraps, bits and pieces, ideas, every durn thing that ferments in the Clarke cranium that needs a try-out or an out-let. Zymic is produced because the 'Z' fanzine box seemed almost indecently empty and Turner's Zenith nudes need something to keep 'em warm (Warm? Hardly the mot juste). Zymic is also produced for the hell of it.

Its sixth issue in December 1957 included 'Don't Sit There' in which Clarke 'railed against the prevailing apathy of British fandom and the falling numbers of both fanzines and fans' (Rob Hansen, Then). This sparked discussion leading ultimately to an open meeting at Cytricon IV, the 1958 Eastercon, and the foundation of the BSFA after which Clarke commented in #7, 'My Ghod! They did Something!!!'

Issue Date Pages OMPA mailing Notes
1 Winter 1954 8 1
2 Winter 1954 10 2
3 September 1955 2 5 b/w Lesser Flea
4 June 1957 3 12 single-sided
5 September 1957 6 13
6 December 1957 8 14
7 June 1958 12 16
8 November 1958 8 17 Final issue

Publication 19541958
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