Regional Organizations

From Fancyclopedia 3
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From Fancyclopedia 2, ca. 1959
Organizations of fans, or federations of locals and state organizations in one of those regions into which the US is usually divided. Despite such inclusive proposals as those in the Battle Creek Constitution of the N3F, there have been only two such so far, the MWFFF and the Dixie Fantasy Federation. Their chief function would seem to be regional conferences (like the Midwestcon, Westercon, etc) but it was suggested that they take such duties as news-gathering and recruiting.
From Fancyclopedia 1, ca. 1944
Orgs of fans or federations of localized and state organizations in one of the regions into which the US is usually divided. Despite such inclusive proposals as those in the Battle Creek constitution of the NFFF, there have been only two so far, the DFF and the Mid-West Fantasy Fan Federation. Their chief function would seem to be regional conferences (the East also has annual conferences, either Philcon or Boskone), but it was suggested that they take such duties as news-gathering and recruiting.

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