Operation Fantast Newsletter

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Revision as of 15:56, 25 October 2021 by Chavey (talk | contribs) (Added #7, which appears to have been published the same month as #6)
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A fanzine published by Ken Slater in the UK as part of Operation Fantast. These were usually not numbered, and we do not know how many issues there were. The issues we know of are listed below. This was not the same publication as the fanzine Operation Fantast.

Issue Date Pages Notes
1 February 1951 4
4 June 1951 4 Small (24mo)
6 October 1951 6
7 October 1951 8 A single sheet, 14 1/2" X 6 1/8", folded in half, then folded in half again for 8 pages
February 1953 8 +2 pp membership list A4. Titled "A Sort of Newsletter"
January-February 1954 Cover calls this "Newsletter 001"
April-May 1954 6
August-September 1954 8

Operation Fantast Newsletter online at fanac.org

Publication 19511954
This is a publication page. Please extend it by adding information about when and by whom it was published, how many issues it has had, (including adding a partial or complete checklist), its contents (including perhaps a ToC listing), its size and repro method, regular columnists, its impact on fandom, or by adding scans or links to scans. See Standards for Publications.