John Collick

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(???? –)

John Guy Collick is a British fan and fan artist from Yorkshire active primarily in the 1970s and early 1980s.

His first fanzine was the sercon Procyon in 1975 with its first issue produced under the name Paul Radford although later issues would be under his own name.[1] In 1978 he was a member of the Harrogate SF Group and he also attended Silicon 3 in Newcastle where according to Dave Langford:

the hitherto obscure John Collick and Steev Higgins were plunged into the fannish mainstream and, far from protesting this infringement of their precious serconity, appeared to like it.[2]

At Seacon '79, the 1979 Worldcon, he counted the ballots for the Hugo Awards with David Pringle. In the early 1980s he regularly placed in the fan artist category of the Ansible Fan Poll. He was on the committee of Yorcon 2, the 1981 Eastercon, and ran the fan room. Greg Pickersgill, while describing Collick as 'a bright and intelligent individual', bemoaned the decision to put the fan room in a bar and 'the sort of dual purpose area Collick had to deal with gave him little opportunity to develop any true fanroom atmosphere'.[3]

In a letter published in The Metaphysical Review #22–23 (November 1995), Robert Day said:

A fan called John Collick (since vanished) produced a slide show illustrating one of Dave Langford's space opera pastiches Sex Pirates of the Blood Asteroid (about 1979-80). Later he was the force behind a Clint Eastwood spaghetti western pastiche at Mexicon 2, coupled with a stop-frame horror short about a homicidal shirt filmed by John and Eve Harvey. The two films on one reel won a prize in a Leeds Film Festival when it was entered in passing.

Further filming endeavours were described by Dave Langford in Ansible #43 (May/June 1985) in his report of Yorcon III, 1985 the Eastercon:

John Collick ... resumed where he'd left off, videotaping a deathless new epic wherein a nonentity (Phil Palmer) goes on a psychopathic rampage owing to the poor reception of his fanzine ('We all had to line up and Laugh Cruelly at him' – PNH), necessitating that rough, tough detective Grubby Herbert (JC) shoot lots of people, his perennial line 'You're asking yourself, has he shot six, or only five?' constantly interrupted by walk-on appearances of uncomprehending hotel staff from a passing lift. Could this be science fiction?

Collick is a literature graduate. He lived for a time in Japan, teaching and studying film. In the 21st century he has occasionally attended Eastercons and he contributed a remembrance of Alan Dorey to Rubber Crab #7 (2017). He is the author of several novels.


Fanzines and Apazines:


  1. Then, page 321.
  2. Checkpoint #91 (September 1978).
  3. Stop Breaking Down #7 (August 1981).

Person ????
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