Boston in '67

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A bid by the BoSFS to bring the Worldcon to Boston in 1967. It finished fourth in a field of four in the voting at Tricon in 1966 New York in 1967 (the winner), Syracuse in '67, and Baltimore in '67. See 1967 Worldcon Site Selection.

The bid was run by Dave Vanderwerf. This bid was Boston's first foray into Worldcon politics and advertised itself as a joint bid by BoSFS, MITSFS, and the University of Massachusetts Science Fiction Society.

Helmuth began as a Boston in '67 bidzine. See below for a copy of the 2-page 1st issue. (Click to enlarge.)

See also Boston Worldcons

1967 Site Selection 1967
This is a page about a convention bid. Please extend it by adding information about who was bidding, officers, committee list, what they were bidding for, who their opponents were, and who won.